Viking poster

Poster and CD cover for the Oslo based rap group Herreløse an their Viking tune.

Work was mostly done as a digital painting i Photoshop using icy artic colors.

Viking poster

Movie Poster

Poster for the award winning Norwegian short film «Magnus, a spring day» by Munin film.

Film is a video diary perspective from the life of a heroin user in Oslo.

Magnus Lilleberg takes you on a intimate journey into his everyday life as a heroin addict in the capital of Norway. He films himself with his hand-held camera and he describes a tough reality without demanding compassion in return.

Poster was created using a mixture of photo manipulation and digital painting in Photoshop.

Font for the Title «Magnus» is created from Magnus Lillebergs own handwritten signature.

The buildings depicted on the poster are taken from areas in Oslo were Magnus and other addicts usually meet.

First rough sketch of Magnus in Oslo

alternative with clean background

Spring color palette


Applying Philosophy to Design

SlavePoster  A Poster for a humanitarian cause.
 Poster to create awareness against human trafficking.
The Poster is inspired by propaganda posters from the modernist era put in a contemporary context.

Wonder woman vs Trump illustration

Digital painting of a heroine taking down the Donald


Buy it here: Theillcesar